A "TEA" Party type facebook group for us Ron Paul supporters that are constantly harassed and censored by the Tea O Cons. Welcome to the Revolution!
The main Group Page is American LiberTEA
This group and its affiliate’s nationwide formed because we believe that the 2012 Presidential Campaign of Dr. Ron Paul has illuminated a clear line of disagreement within the Tea Party movement. On one side of the line are the Republican Party apparatchiks who unfortunately if given the chance, would use the power of the Federal Government to legislate their morality on fellow citizens.
On the other side are those who believe that the Federal Government should be limited to the powers enumerated in the Constitution, a potent national defense does not require huge amounts of money to support an aggressive military stance around the world. Personal Liberty should be defined in the broadest possible terms and includes the idea that any citizen should be free to do with their lives as they see fit as long as they are not keeping other citizens form doing the same.
This group does not wish to replace the current Tea Parties only to provide a place for likeminded people to gather and participate in the political process.
All the members of this group believe in the core TEA party principles of Limited Government, Fiscally Responsibility and Free Market Trade. We simply refuse to reject a candidate because the media and the establishment have decided against them.
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